How has your winter been? If you live near me, you've had a sloppy winter. If you live in the deep south, you probably thought you might not make it till Spring. And I laugh at you, but, I also know that first snows can be scary- if you have to travel in it.
Remember, I am terrified to drive in winter weather. One measly roll-over accident is all it took!
Oh, and I have a stray walnut tree within the garden borders. It must go!
We also know where we need to work on the patio & carport roofs (rooves? hmmm roof plural has never come up in my writing before. weird.) due to leaks and poor craftmanship. The shop is going to be a huge project. The leak was never fixed, just new rock put up with tape & paint. Which is now bubbling and sagging. Shoddy fix-it work! Wish I had gotten the 'contractor's' biz card, so I know who to NEVER call for work on my house!
I finally have my smartphone! I put my foot down and refused to use the money I'd been saving for anything else BUT getting my phone.
And I'm still figuring everything out. Ok, so I can't keep up with tech. I'll get there. Probably just in time for whatever I grasp to no longer be 'in'. Like Insta whatever. I can't seem to figure that one out. It'll just take some focus and discreet question to friends who won't rat me out for being tech-illiterate. :)
Anywhooz. Next blog will have photos of all the fantastic work we've done inside. So many colors!
Then maybe after that we can start on fixing up the outside! By then, it will be warmer and I'll want to spend time outdoors.