Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summertime Blues

I don't even want to blog today, but it's been too many days.  I might not get started again if I let it go on too long. 

Summer is starting.  My teenager will be here in a few days to spend his summer with the rednecks in Idaho. He lives somewhere else, a little more high-falutin'.   Normally this would put a smile on my face and a spring in my step.  I miss my son when he's not here and I feel more complete when I can get him to allow me a hug.  I say normally.  And I am super glad he's coming.  I don't have any concrete plans for the summer, but I am glad he's coming. 
And, we're probably moving this summer.  We've finally been pre-approved for a home loan!  Soon I get to buy MY OWN HOME!!  Undeniable joy!
GOOD things coming for the summer!!

But the reason my title and my mood are so dreary:  we have two old woman dogs who are on their last legs.  One of which came on very rapidly.  Two weeks ago, Sarah was just an old, creaky dog.  Now, she's effectively totally blind, mostly deaf and won't eat anymore. The other old woman dog, Delia, is just as blind and deaf, but hers has been gradual and she has learned to navigate her surroundings and you can barely tell she doesn't have all her faculties. And D still eats.  No matter how I fix the dog food: water to make 'gravy', warm water to soften faster, warm milk for extra flavor, various people flavors to coat the food.... No mind, she won't eat.  Oh, she'll eat the cheese we toss her way. Or the bread scraps.  But, as much as doggie parents KNOW that people food isn't ideal for the health of our doggies, we still do it, at least in moderation.  In Sarah's case, since that's ALL she will eat, we don't want to screw up her system too badly.  She's already having issues when she can navigate out to the yard. A friend suggested wet, canned food.  Great idea!  Except, with Sarah's already fragile system, we don't want to cause discomfort by changing her diet so drastically. And she is so skinny.  I can see her ribs.  Trust me, we try to feed her. Even so far as to put her bowl full of yummy nummy warm milk soaked food in front of her nose where ever she's laying down.  Nope. 

Sidewayz was certain she wouldn't last the weekend. I'm not sure she'll make this whole week.  Speaking of this week. Did I mention my son comes in on Friday?  I can't decide if it would be better for him to see Sarah one last time before she goes or for him to remember her as she was.  Just a few months ago, when he was here for Xmas, Sarah was a crazy old dog who would still pin the puppy on his back in their play attacks.  We're not taking Sarah in to have her put down or anything. Unless she's in screaming pain, of course.  But, so far, she's just doing the rapid old age decline. 

We usually go camping every summer. At least once, but every few weeks would be ideal.   Sidewayz and I have already decided that because Delia is so old, we can't take her for a weekend in the sticks and we can't leave her all weekend.  Sarah wasn't even a factor in this conversation a few weeks ago, as she was still going strong.
Goodness. As I type this, she stands at the open back door, debating on braving the step, porch and yard.  Apparently not.  She just went back to her safe corner.  Her balance is shot, too.  She does the doggie shake of her head and damn near falls over.  I think she has a brain tumor, for all this to be so sudden.  And at 16, it's best to let her live out her days as she wants.

Sidewayz babies these two old women.  Gives them (mostly) anything they want.  See, he was lost in the mountains some years back, before I met him, and these two sweet dogs saved his life.  For reals.  Three days he was lost. Full on search parties, helicopters and everything. Don't worry, he learned his lesson. He now has just about everything survival you can have, that will fit in your pockets. And on a pack on a dog. So, because they saved his life, he has a special bond with them.  It's really tearing him up to see his old ladies at this stage.

(looking at my semi-lengthy post) I didn't want to blog today because I'm in a bit of a dreary mood, but clearly I had something to say.  Sorry if I brought you down to my mood.  Kind of why I didn't want to post today.  Not real keen on being a downer for others.
Oh and on that same note, this is why there will be no photos in this post.  I refuse to take/post pics of the old dogs. Eventually there will be a photo of the young, healthy girls, but not today.

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