Helloooo out there in Internet Land! It's been some time, hasn't it?
have been working so hard to get the house ready for all our crap.
We've cleaned and taped and painted. We still have to agree on a color
for our bedroom, and do the bathroom, but this weekend, we're getting
the moving truck and getting it ALL out of the rental.
is the first day I've had all to myself, and I'm taking advantage of
the few more hours we have internet service and a connected computer.
After this, it will be sometime late next week, I think, before I can
sit down with a proper keyboard.
We've moved most of
our stuff out, one car-load at a time, and we have a few more loads to
go, and then the truck will take the big stuff. That leaves me well
over a week to clean the place. Thankfully, I will only have the
toddler for two of those mornings, so all should be well. So ready to
be out of this place. I've let the housework go, since we're in
transition, and boy is this place unsavory! All the more reason to get
the heck out!! The very last thing to go will be the coffee pot. Can't
get any work done w/o caffeine!
Oh my gosh, I am so
weary. Even with coffee & fancy creamer, I never seem to feel
rested. Oh, and I've discovered just where I have arthritis! :(
had hoped to have a decent smartphone by now, so I could add photos and
actually show the long distance friends/family what the house looks
like, but we needed paint. Yay for responsibility!
OK, kiddies. This new homeowner is off to pack some more boxes & shove them in my car.
Here we go.. 1-2-3 WHEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
HOORAY FOR NEW HOUSE!!! I am so happy for you! You must be totally excited (despite weary- I know moving just sucks the life out of me, I assume you're the same!) I can't wait to see pictures!