Thursday, May 23, 2013

#141 No Limits

Today's blog comes to you from the number 141.

                                                                No Limits.

                                                         What does that mean?
                                                        It can mean ANYTHING.

No limits on your credit card.
No limits to government spending. ( I wonder if, once in office, the nation's budget seems like a no-limit credit card?  That might explain some things.)
No limits on pizza or ice cream toppings.
No limits on free drinks at the event.
No limits on the amount of bad press some celebs can wrack up.
No limit to the love a mother gives her child.
(to a small child) No limits to the amount of fun to be had playing with favorite toys.
No limits to waves crashing on beaches.
No limits to the stars in the universe. (yes, we have come to a pause in exploring those stars, but we'll get there! Just not in our immediate lifetimes.)
For some of us gluttonous readers, no limits on the amount of books we can read in a lifetime.
No limits to the woolgathering I can accomplish in a day.  (I don't mean that literally. I have never gathered actual wool from a sheep. But I did get to pet one and bring home some really oily wool in a paper bag when I was 4 or 5. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn.)

See, No Limits can apply to just about anything. Not quite everything, tho! There are limits to how many drinks I can have and stay functional. There are limits on how much BS I can take. There is a limit in my bank account. (I should probably reach in there and dust off that big fat ZERO at the bottom of my bank account. It used to be covered up by my paychecks, but since I stopped working, that big ZERO has been rather exposed to the elements.) You know, the normal stuff!

What do you think of when you see, "No Limits" ?

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