My actual first name is Katharine. With an A. Not an ERINE. I was named for my mother, Catharine, and this classy lady.

I don't know exactly why. My mother never told me. Also, both of my grandmothers, who had never met (and I don't think ever did), upon hearing of my upcoming birth, wanted me named with something angelic. So, I got another long name. Angeline. Thus, for a while, I was Katie Angel. As only grandmothers can call you! ONLY GRANDMOTHERS!!
I have never come close to achieving the level of grace The Great Kate had. But that's ok. I do have her stubborn streak! :)
Now, would I rename myself? Nope. I probably wanted something more popular when I was growing up. I mean, Katie didn't compare to Jennifer or Kimberly. I think I remember wishing my name was Kimberly at some point. Good thing I didn't have a say in it back then! I like my name. I shortened it when i was 18 and away from home for the first time. All the girls I was hanging around with at the time did. Mine just happened to be pretty unheard of, at least in my world in 1994. The only person I'd heard called Kat back then was Christina Ricci in Casper! (and no, I didn't change it to emulate her.) Now, of course, Kat is all over the place. Oh well, no big. Looking around me, I'm older than most of them, so I had it first. NYAH!
I just wish I were destined to look this good in my 90s.

Katharine Hepburn May 12, 1907 - June 29, 2003 (aged 96)
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