Friday, May 31, 2013

#148 Going Home Again

Funny that this is the topic for the day in 'A Year of Blogging Ideas'. 

Before I looked for today's topic, I was looking at the new Google Maps this morning, since I get to test it out a little early.  Of course, I looked at my own address.  I found that the current photo was taken in Sept 2012, and in our driveway was our little blue Jellybean!  The one that was totaled this past Christmas night in a rollover accident.  :(
(Don't worry, we're all fine. All parties involved walked away from the crash!)

I also attempted to find where my dad and I used to live when he and my step-mom got married. 30 years ago.  That was such a long time ago, I only have a vague recollection where the spot is.  It was off a logging road in the Idaho mountains. Well, they're mountains to me. And of course, it was a dirt road, no set house or foundation.  I can only guess for now, until I get my dad in front of the map and have him show me. 

I also commented on a blog post about moving coast-to-coast. Which I've done. A few times!

In 2007, I was in a really low place in life.  I'd just gotten divorced, was in a rebound relationship that was turning bad, I was living from place to place to place to car.  The rebound turned abusive (and I was low enough not to drop him immediately) and I really needed to get out.  A trip to Vegas for a week with about 1000 rollergirls was a much welcome escape from reality. It was RollerCon. It happens every summer in Las Vegas. In fact, I think it might be going on right now or starting this weekend.  You want to party with more Rollergirls than you can dream of?  Head down there for RollerCon!!  Derby girls know how to party!

Anyway.  On the drive back (Vegas to Seattle(ish) is a LONG drive in the summer!!) we stopped in Idaho and had breakfast with my mom and dad. There I found out my gramma was going to have back surgery soon and would need in home care.  DING DING DING!!!  A way out of my shit life in WA!!

A month later, I packed up everything I couldn't stand to discard into my little teal Ford Ranger, and I high-tailed it over the mountains.  I drove into my gramma's driveway on 9/11/2007.  It was a Monday. 
I left my son behind, as his father has custody, but honestly, living on couches, in basements, in hotels(don't do it!), out of my truck... No place for a little boy. He had a steady home with his father and that's what was important after the turmoil.  Of course I see my son.  In fact, I'm sure I will blog something about him in a few weeks, as he will be here for the summer. He's a teenager and WOW is he a teenager!! Not to mention about 8 inches taller than me.

I miss my friends back there, but I've never looked back.  This is home. My dad, my mom(before she passed), my gramma.  Home.  I felt it as soon as I smelled the air.

And, 19 days after rolling into town, I met Sidewayz, and we've been together ever since.

This is Home. And unless the country totally collapses, this is where I'll remain.

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